The five types of travel companions: The Party Animal

This person probably came up with the idea of your trip together between tequila shots on a Saturday night.  They’re always looking for a party, no matter where, when, and with whom.  Always a blast to hang out with, The Party Animal is the first person you text when you’re looking for a good time.  They’re great to be around when you hang out one-on-one, but they’d prefer to be at the center of attention in the middle of the dance floor.   This person has a pretty laid back attitude, and probably expects your trip to involve a lot of boozing with the locals and staying out until the wee hours of the morning.

Pros:  The Party Animal is really fun to be around.  Like Party Animal, there’s never a dull moment when you’re hanging out with them.  If hookups with hot locals are what you’re looking for, traveling with this friend is your best bet of finding them.  And if you’re traveling in a place known for its wine, beer, or spirits, this person’s sky-high alcohol tolerance makes them a great drinking buddy.

Cons: If you’re into sightseeing, prepare to cut your daylight hours in half.  Spending mornings hungover is pretty typical in college, but when you’re traveling, hangovers can significantly infringe on the amount of time you have to explore.  Also, if all your friend is looking for is a good party, you won’t necessarily be doing all that much exploring or mingling with the locals.  The Party Animal is just as keen on hanging out at backpacker bars as local spots, so you could end up spending the entire time with other drunk backpackers.  Lastly, unless this person is disguising some deep underlying sense of responsibility, traveling with them can be risky.  Finances and safety are always a concern, but more so when boozing is the primary objective.

The bottom line: Like with the Homebody, The Party Animal may be a better companion for a beachy resort trip.  When you do travel with them, you’re likely to have tons of fun and go to lots of parties, but your surroundings may end up looking a lot like the bars in your hometown.  As when traveling with The Adventurer, make some provisions for your own security, and prepare to spend many of your daylight hours in bed.

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