The Five Types of Travel Companions


I’m writing this post from a plane to Costa Rica for spring break.  I’m traveling with one of my best friends from school, Alyssa, who is a seasoned traveler and an awesome travel buddy.  However, I’ve also taken trips with some not-so-awesome travel buddies.  It’s kind of like having a close friend as a roommate: depending on your lifestyle, traveling together can make or break a solid friendship.  Over the next five days, I’ll be writing about five types of travel buddies I’ve encountered, the pros and cons of traveling with each, and which ones I think are compatible with each other.  Here’s a preview of the five types I’ll be writing about:

  1. The Tourist
  2. The Adventurer
  3. The Homebody
  4. The Party Animal
  5. Old Faithful


Have you ever traveled with a friend?  Was it a positive or negative experience?  Have you encountered any other categories of travel companions?